Thursday, July 19, 2012

Retina Graphics in Mac OS X

Note: This blog is deprecated. @synthesize zach has moved to a new home, at This blog entry can be found on the new blog here. Please update your links.

I recently added Retina graphics to the Mac version of PuzzleTiles. I had Retina-ized TaskLog prior, and found that to be pretty trivial, as it's not a very graphics-heavy app. PuzzleTiles has many hundreds of images, so it was a bit more of a challenge.

The whole process is pretty straightforward, especially if you've done Retina graphics for an iOS app. The TL;DR is:

  • Make double-size images and suffix them with @2x
  • Use NSImage imageNamed: to load them
  • Use Quartz Debug to test your new graphics (if you don't have a Retina MacBook Pro)
The code

The main thing is to use

NSImage imageNamed:
It does all the @2x image-loading magic. One thing not immediately obvious to me is that you don't specify the extension when doing so.

NSImage* myImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"foo.png"];
// NO, this makes the magic not work.

NSImage* myImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"foo"];
// YES, magic is a-comin'.
The art

Producing 2x artwork was, by far, the biggest task. Luckily we'd had the foresight to make all our source art with vector graphics (text, shapes, and effects layers) which are basically arbitrarily resizable.

The first step was batch upsizing everything to 2x. I ended up making a separate set of source art for our @2x images, so that we could tweak them by hand. Some of the artwork we upsized with no other changes, but for some of them we wanted to tweak some things: line or shadow thickness, for example. Some others (the Wood tile set, for example) had bitmaps which we had to completely redo.

My advice is this: if your source art isn't vector-based, it might be time to bite the bullet and do that.

If you're like me and don't have a graphic artist on staff to do all this stuff for you, I have a few pieces of advice to ease the Retina-izing process:

  • Get familiar with PhotoShop's automation tools (File->Automate->Batch and File->Scripts->Image Processor). This saved me tons of time when converting, resizing, and exporting hundreds of images at once.
  • Get a tool for batch file renaming. At one point I decided to change my file naming convention (to make things more amenable to using imageNamed:), and hand renaming nearly a thousand files would have been a time-consuming, error-prone task. I ended up using Core-Renamer for this, and it worked perfectly.

If you don't have a Retina MacBook Pro, you can use any old Mac to test out your Retina graphics. Download and install Graphics Tools for Xcode (from within Xcode, choose Xcode->Open Developer Tool->More Developer Tools). Run Quartz Debug, choose Window->UI Resolution, and check "Enable HiDPI display modes". Now, when you go to Displays in System Preferences, you'll see a bunch of HiDPI modes. Pick one, run your app, and see how it looks.


The WWDC 2012 session "Introduction to High Resolution on OS X" is fantastic; I highly recommend checking that out.

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